Drawing Her Along With You – Guiding Her Subconsciously

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Drawing Her Along With You

Guiding Her Subconsciously

“Drawing her along with you” is about subtly guiding her through an experience where she feels you’re leading the way, yet her choices feel organic and entirely her own. This technique isn’t about overt commands or pushing her toward specific decisions; rather, it’s a gentle influence that aligns her thoughts and emotions with your direction, making her feel naturally inclined to follow your lead.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use subtle cues, shared experiences, and psychological triggers to create a compelling dynamic that draws her toward you in a way that feels effortless.

1. The Psychology of Leading Without Leading

The foundation of “drawing her along” lies in the concept of pacing and leading—a psychological technique where you establish a sense of rapport by matching her current emotional state (pacing), then gently shift the dynamic by guiding her into a new direction (leading).

When you mirror her energy, tone, or behavior, it creates a subconscious bond that builds trust. Once she feels connected, you can gradually shift the conversation or experience, leading her toward a desired emotional state or idea.

2. Using Shared Experiences to Create a Sense of Journey

One of the most effective ways to draw someone along is by creating a shared experience. Whether it’s a shared story, a journey through memories, or a metaphorical adventure, shared experiences deepen connection and build rapport.

How to Create Shared Experiences:

  • Tell a Story with Both of You as Characters: By including her in a story or imaginary scenario, you create a sense of unity.
  • Use “We” Language: Phrases like “we’re both…” or “together, we could…” make the experience feel collaborative.
  • Link Past and Future Moments: By referencing past shared experiences and hinting at future ones, you create a sense of ongoing connection.


“Remember the other night when we just lost track of time talking? I feel like those kinds of moments are the best. I can only imagine what else we might discover together.”

By creating a shared narrative, you deepen the feeling of connection, subtly suggesting that you and she are moving forward together.

3. Setting the Pace Before Leading

Pacing is essential for building rapport before leading her to a new emotional state. When you match her energy and tone, she feels comfortable and understood, making her more receptive to subtle guidance.

How to Set the Pace:

  • Mirror Her Body Language: If she’s relaxed, match her posture; if she’s energetic, keep your gestures lively.
  • Echo Her Tone and Rhythm: Match the speed and tone of her speech. If she’s speaking softly, lower your own voice to match her rhythm.
  • Acknowledge Her Feelings: Validate her emotions and experiences so she feels you understand her on a deeper level.

Example: If she’s telling you about a stressful day, you could say:

“I totally get that—it can feel so overwhelming sometimes. I’ve had days like that too. But sometimes, just having someone to relax with makes it better.”

By pacing her experience, you establish rapport, setting the foundation for leading her into a more relaxed, positive state.

4. Transitioning from Pacing to Leading

Once you’ve established rapport by pacing, you can begin to lead her toward a new emotional state or perspective. The key to leading is subtlety—small shifts that guide her toward a desired mindset without her realizing the transition.

How to Lead Her Subconsciously:

  • Shift Your Tone and Energy: Gradually adjust your tone and energy to reflect the state you want her to feel.
  • Introduce Positive Ideas: Start talking about enjoyable topics or introduce positive emotions, guiding her from a neutral or negative state to a more positive one.
  • Use Future-Oriented Language: Talk about things she could look forward to, creating a sense of anticipation.

Example: If she’s feeling down, after pacing her emotions, you might say:

“You know, sometimes those rough days remind us how much better the good moments feel. Like right now, just relaxing and letting it all go.”

This shift subtly leads her away from her stress, focusing her on the current moment of relaxation and connection with you.

5. The Power of Curiosity as a Lead

Curiosity is a powerful tool for drawing someone along. By hinting at intriguing possibilities or leaving certain details unsaid, you spark her curiosity, pulling her toward you to uncover more.

How to Use Curiosity to Lead:

  • Be Mysterious: Don’t reveal everything about yourself right away. Share intriguing hints about experiences or insights.
  • Ask Thought-Provoking Questions: Lead her into a more introspective state by asking questions that make her curious about herself and about you.
  • Drop Hints and Pauses: Leave certain ideas open-ended or unfinished, inviting her to lean in and engage further.


“There’s this one amazing place I discovered—perfect for when you just want to get away from it all. I’ll have to show you someday… when the timing feels right.”

This statement leaves her curious, subtly planting the idea of a future shared experience.

6. Embedding Suggestions to Shape Her Perspective

Embedded suggestions allow you to guide her thoughts and emotions by embedding subtle cues within regular conversation. This technique bypasses her critical factor, making her more likely to accept your influence as a natural part of the interaction.

How to Use Embedded Suggestions:

  • Weave Suggestions into Casual Statements: Use phrases like “you might find yourself…” or “imagine if…” to subtly guide her thoughts.
  • Use Hypnotic Language Patterns: Phrases like “isn’t it interesting how…” or “it’s amazing when…” make your suggestions feel like universal truths.
  • Repeat Key Ideas: Repeating a phrase or idea subtly reinforces it, embedding it into her subconscious.


“Isn’t it interesting how sometimes you meet someone, and it just feels like you’ve known them forever? Like everything just clicks.”

This embeds the suggestion that your connection feels natural and meant to be, leading her to feel a sense of familiarity and ease with you.

7. Practical Tips for Drawing Her Along with You

  • Stay Attuned to Her Reactions: Pay close attention to her body language and responses to ensure your lead is subtle and welcome.
  • Use Light Touch to Reinforce Connection: A gentle touch on the shoulder or hand can amplify the feeling of connection as you lead her.
  • Build Anticipation Slowly: Don’t rush the lead; let her lean into the experience at her own pace, drawing her further with each subtle cue.

8. Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Subconscious Leading

  • Avoid Forcing the Lead: If she resists, ease back and let the moment flow naturally. Forcing the lead breaks rapport.
  • Be Wary of Overloading with Suggestions: Too many suggestions can make your intentions obvious, reducing their effectiveness.
  • Don’t Rush the Process: Leading is about taking your time, allowing her to feel that following your lead is her choice.

Conclusion: The Art of Guiding Her Unseen

Mastering the skill of drawing her along with you allows you to influence without control, lead without dominance, and create a connection that feels genuine and organic. By subtly pacing and leading her emotions, you build a foundation of trust, guiding her toward positive feelings, curiosity, and desire. This advanced technique enables you to deepen attraction on a level that feels effortless, making her naturally gravitate toward you.

In the next lesson, Disarming Questions for Subconscious Entry, you’ll discover how to use carefully crafted questions to bypass her conscious defenses, unlocking deeper insights into her thoughts and emotions for even more powerful influence.


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