The Difference Between Males and Females

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The Difference Between Men and Women

Women aren’t logical, and their attraction isn’t linear. Understanding this is essential for your success. Giving women rational reasons why they should be attracted to you will get you nowhere.

And that’s why women aren’t attracted to “nice guys.” It would be logical for them to be drawn to a nice guy. They even say they want a nice guy because it seems logical. But the truth is, that’s not what they really want.

In the office, at school—sure, women can be logical. But when it comes to attraction, when it comes to seduction, women are far from logical. They are emotional. And that’s where everything changes.

Now, keep this in mind: When you’re dealing with men, you speak with logic and reason—you explain things step by step. But with women, you speak with emotions and feelings. Because their attraction isn’t driven by logic; it’s driven by how you make them feel.

Here’s an example: A man might say, “This is why I’m the best candidate for the job,” and it makes sense. But a woman? She doesn’t care if it makes sense. She cares about whether it stirs something inside her—whether it makes her feel excited, intrigued, or curious. If you’re giving her reasons to like you, you’ve already lost. What she needs is to feel it, not hear it.

Logical reasoning is linear—first you do A, then B, then C. But emotional reasoning? It’s a completely different game. Women don’t follow the same patterns men do. Emotionally, they operate on a deeper, non-linear level. Why? Because biologically, their role in the process of mating and relationships is different. This goes back to before we were even homo sapiens. It’s part of what makes men and women so fundamentally different. And once you grasp that, everything shifts.

Now, pay close attention:

A good-looking guy with a great job, but no idea how to create an emotional response in a woman, might give her the most logical, well-structured explanation of why he’s the best choice for her. He might say, “I’m successful, I’ve got a great career, I’m stable. I’d be a great partner.” But she’ll sit there, bored out of her mind, wondering how she can get away from this guy.

Now, take a less attractive guy, with no job, crashing on a friend’s couch, but who knows how to stir a woman’s emotions with a tsunami of fun, positive, and challenging feelings. He doesn’t even need to show interest in her—he might even joke that he’s not interested. And she’ll be fascinated. She’ll fall asleep thinking about him. She’ll dream about him. And she’ll fight to get close to him, even if that means sneaking into his basement couch just to be near him.

Sounds crazy, right? But here’s the thing: it’s not logical. And because it’s not logical, it might feel like a joke. But this is how it works.

Here’s the deal with frames and meta frames:

In any interaction, there’s your frame and her meta frame. Your frame is how you view the world, how you carry yourself, your confidence, and your belief in your reality. Her meta frame, though, is the larger emotional context—the deeper, underlying narrative that controls how she perceives the interaction. And here’s the kicker: one frame always wins. There can’t be two equal frames. One will always dominate the other.

Imagine this: You’re calm, confident, and you know what you want—you’re holding your frame. But she throws a curveball: “Do you always talk to women like this?” Now, if your frame cracks—if you get defensive, nervous, or start explaining yourself—you’ve just stepped into her meta frame. She controls the narrative now. But if you keep your cool, maybe even smile and change the subject, you hold your ground. Your frame stands strong.

It’s all about keeping control of your frame because once you do that, she has no choice but to step into your reality.

Now, think about it:

That good-looking guy with the great job, who doesn’t know how to create an emotional response? He’ll keep explaining himself, giving logical reasons why he’s the best choice. And all she’ll be thinking about is how bored she is.

But that guy who knows how to stir emotions? He’s not even trying to impress her. Yet she’ll be thinking about him all night, imagining how to get closer to him.

This isn’t a joke. It feels illogical because it’s not based on logic—it’s rooted in emotion. And when it comes to attraction, that’s all that matters.

Women Are Attracted to Men Who Go After What They Want

Here’s another truth: Women are attracted to men who go after what they want. It shows that you’re engaged with the world, unafraid to take risks, that you have passion and dreams. And the more you go after what you want, the more attractive you become.

Approaching her with confidence, without hesitation, is key. But—and this is crucial—she can’t be the only thing you’re after. If she feels like your entire focus is on her, she’ll sense it, and it’ll feel suffocating. So, when you approach her, she needs to know that you could just as easily walk away. It’s about creating a balance between showing interest and pulling back. It’s about giving and taking, pushing and pulling.

Having other interests, passions, and dreams makes you more than just another guy trying to win her over. It shows her that you’re not dependent on her for validation—that you’re living your own life, and if she wants to be a part of that, she’ll have to step into your frame.


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